A TIME to Talk™.

A client-focused series of crucial conversation starters

Communication has the power to strengthen and transform relationships.

Family bonds can be strengthened. Feelings can be validated. Understanding can be reached. Connections can be mended, improved, or preserved. Perspectives can shift. Contentment can be attained.

HT|TC’s 30 years of financial, trust, and estate planning experience has equipped us to help clients navigate their major life events, which often involve the intersection of wealth, family, and longevity. We recognize that the crucial subject matter around these pivotal moments can be challenging to discuss.

But we also know that postponing these important conversations doesn’t help our clients avoid risk or crisis.

We developed A Time to Talk™ to help empower our clients to approach and address their biggest issues more safely and comfortably. This educational series is based upon our foundational belief that encouraging communication and vulnerability around crucial topics can lead to better personal and financial outcomes.

time to talk steps

HT|TC’s 5-step approach to start crucial conversations is integrated into our culture.
Like our financial planning process, it’s ongoing, evolving, and clients can utilize it at their own pace.


Explore the A Time to Talk™ Library


Why did HT|TC develop A Time to Talk™?

We created A Time to Talk™ to help provide a new level of support surrounding the most crucial events and decisions our clients may face in their lifetimes. By tapping into our organization’s combined experience—and pulling in other professionals where appropriate—our team is focused on curating a library of useful content and resources that are available to clients when they’re ready and need it most.

How does HT|TC’s background in trust and estate planning contribute to this series?

As an advisory practice, our team has lived within the four walls of trusts and estates, retirement plans, and wealth management for over 30 years. Not only are we well-prepared to dig deeper into conversation with clients, the HT|TC team also has a depth of understanding and experience that we feel obligated to share. Most of the challenges and issues our clients may be experiencing for the first time are things we’ve seen and walked through many times over—both personally, and with our client community.

How can I use the A Time to Talk™ library in my own life?

A Time to Talk™ is designed to equip you with tools, resources, and education to help empower you to identify, discuss, and resolve your most significant issues. Our hope is that this support system can help you make confident, educated decisions that feel right for you and your loved ones.

What type of content can I expect to find inside the A Time to Talk™ series?

As we develop our series, clients have access to the entire suite of A Time to Talk™ resources, including our monthly article and accompanying guide containing simple action items and a recommended reading list. This client-focused library of content may cover how to navigate, discuss, and act upon such crucial topics as:

I’m ready to discuss some content from the series with my HT|TC advisor. What should I do next?

Whenever you’re ready, we’re here to walk alongside you to initiate conversations, offer financial perspective, connect you with the right resources, and support you at your own pace. We would be honored to join you on this journey.

How can I sign up to receive monthly A Time to Talk™ content?

You can sign up here to receive our monthly A Time to Talk™ article and accompanying action items guide.

We're here to help.

Subscribe to a Time to Talk™ today.

Reach out to us if you’d like to learn more.


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